Dunes at Dawn

Prelude To Dune: House Corrino

A trilogy of books covering the pre Dune era.

Author:Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson
Publisher:Hodder & Sroughton, 2001.
Characteristics:590 pages, Paperback ; 23cm.
Source:Street Library, and returned.

Despite its accolades, I just couldn’t get into this book. I got as far as page 35 and the story is hard to relate to and difficult to understand. The names are just out there, like the Dune series, I guess. I like science fiction, but it needs to be real. When the latest flying machines use flapping wings, that just destroyed the credibility for me. It’s more like the genre Game of Thrones is in than science fiction.

I watched the movie, Dune, hoping that it may explain more and generate interest in reading the book, but I found it barely watchable. It was interesting to see Sting (of the band Police) play Feyd Rautha, a seriously disturbed renegade.

The books in the series are:

  • Dune: House Atreides (1999)
  • Dune: House Harkonnen (2000)
  • Dune: House Corrino (2001)

I find it hard to understand why Dune got so many awards and is frequently cited as the best-selling science fiction novel in history. I also had a copy of Dune – The Machine Crusade, but it wasn’t much better. There’s no point reading books you don’t like, so for this book and other Dune books, it’s off to the street library you go!

Featured image: Amine M’siouri

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