One Hundred Acres Reserve, Park Orchards

A walk from the Eltham Environs Walking Group.

Walk Description

From theĀ Eltham Environs Walking Group, walk 18E

Park next to the netball courts at Domeney Reserve in Knees Rd; turn right after entering Domeney Reserve; parking is a further 100m on.

This walk is difficult to describe, if a particular route is to be selected. One possibility is to attempt to follow the plaques numbered 1 to 20. Even this is quite hard to do, as arrows are rather randomly placed, and although the plaque at the entrance alongside the netball courts has all the tracks named, less than a handful of tracks are marked in the Reserve itself.

On entering the Reserve, turn left. After 100m, a junction is reached. This is Long Leaved Box Track. Plaque no. 20 is just to the right.

Here are 3 alternatives:

  1. By veering left and walking 300m, you should come to Plaques 1 and 2. Proceed from here, looking for the next 18 numbers. Continue the walk, following any paths of interest.
  2. Turn right through the gate at Plaque 20, and try to find the plaques in reverse order.
  3. Proceed in either direction, following at whim any track encountered. There are 4 boundary white wires or fences to define the edges of the park. Eventually, follow a boundary to return to the cars.

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