Mount Lofty and Henley Golf Course, Wonga Park

A walk from Eltham and Environs Walking Group.

Walk Description

From the Eltham Environs Walking Group, walk 13M

Commences from the car park at Wittons Reserve (northern end of Reserve Rd adjacent to Brushy Creek). Walk back towards Reserve Rd. Turn left across grass and look for a gate and bridge across a small creek. Cross the bridge, then follow the river track until it becomes a vehicular track (about 20 minutes of walking). The track veers right, and there is a moderately steep climb to the summit of Mt Lofty, where you can stop at a picnic table to enjoy the view. Continue straight on where a vehicular track enters from the right. This leads downhill, out of the Warrandyte State Park and on to Homestead Rd, where you turn left towards the Yarra River. At the canoe launch car park, climb the stile on the right into Heritage Golf Club land. Follow the footpath through the trees, and then left onto a concrete path which eventually crosses the river to reach the first hole of the Henley Golf Course. Retrace your steps to the intersection near the summit, this time turning left along the ridge, past a house on the left, and then down a fairly steep descent to the river track, where a left turn takes you back to the cars.

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