Westerfolds Park ‘Home Show’ circuit, Templestowe

A walk from Eltham and Environs Walking Group.

Walk Description

From the Eltham Environs Walking Group, walk 23E

Westerfolds Park ‘Home Show’ circuit, Templestowe. Commences from the carpark alongside the viewing platform, Pettys Orchard (or south-east) side of Fitzsimons Lane bridge. Start walking west towards the new canoe under Fitzsimons Lane bridge. At the first walking trail on the left, walk past the picnic area on the left, and soon after, turn left onto the Yarra Trail. 500 metres further on is the so-called ‘Home Show’ – a series of stopping points with descriptive boards indicating where animals resident in the park have their burrows ands nests. A circular walk ensues. Rejoin the main Yarra Trail. Turn right, and walk up the hill to the Mia Mia Gallery and café. Follow this trail down to the fork in the path, and keep right. Follow the sign to the Rapids Viewing Platform. Keep following the Yarra trail back to the canoe launching area, and then back tot the cars.

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