Suspension bridge over Dights Falls.

Doncaster East Loop via George St

A 33km loop that can be started at Eltham, and goes through Doncaster East and riding through Ruffy Park and returning to Eltham via the Mullum Mullum Creek trail.

Trail Map

Total distance: 33182 m
Max elevation: 133 m
Min elevation: 4 m
Total climbing: 1332 m
Total descent: -1353 m
Download file: 20191112_Eltham-Donc%20East%20loop-George%20St.gpx

This is a pleasant ride through Westerfolds Park, through Ruffy Park and then onto George Street, which takes you east to meet up with the Mullum Mullum Creek trail.

If riding on the roads needs to be avoided continue south to go the Doncaster East Loop via Koonung Trail.

George Street has a short section where you ride along the road but soon a bike lane appears. The street has a reasonable gradient in places making it an excellent workout. You realise how easy the riding paths are compared to road riding. Once you reach the shops at the end the rest are quiet residential streets.

Cross over busy Springvale Road near the bus stop opposite (there’s a small ramp too) and proceed along the cement footpath where you enter a cul-de-sac down a steep short ramp. Ride up the hill and turn left onto Old Warrandyte Road. There’s a bike lane or path here of sorts, but in places it’s easier to use the road. Left off the roundabout opposite Raymond Elliott Court is the entry to the Mullum Mullum Creek trail, and the end of road riding.

After a while the Mullum Mullum Creek trail becomes the Main Yarra Trail to complete the return to Eltham.

Busy Target Road on the Yarra Trail.
Busy Target Road on the Yarra Trail.

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