Janefield section of Plenty River, Bundoora

A walk from the Eltham Environs Walking Group.

Walk Description

From the Eltham Environs Walking Group, walk 47E

Commences at the grassy parking area on the left hand side of Collendina Road. Collendina Road is a turning on the right off Eastgate Drive at the “No Through Road” sign.

From the cars, walk into the Plenty Gorge Park through gate and follow the new builder’s fence line until you reach a second gate on your left marked T21. Enter through the gate and walk along this main track for about 30 metres, and then take the first narrow path off on the right hand side. Continue along this track (it widens out) until you reach a T junction, then bear left. Continue walking until you reach another T-junction, and again bear left. Soon you will pass a tree on the left bearing the marker T23. Keep walking, and in front of you there is a tree bearing another T marker (number ?). Continue on, and as the track bears left, look for a narrow cross-track off to the left – turn left here.§

Stay on this path – it widens out as it meanders up hill. Ignore any turnings or trails off on either side and keep on this track until it climbs up hill to a grassy area. Here, take the right hand track to the shade of a tree for a water stop. This is about the half way mark.

Follow this path with the river on your right until you come across the remains of an old fire hearth on your right, and after another fifty metres or so take the left hand up to the fence lineªª

At the fence line you must bear left and, keeping close to the fence on your right, walk through the grass (no defined track) down through the trees and up the other side, still with the fence and new building on your right, until on the left you can see the main walking track. Follow this walking track to the right until you reach the main access gate again (T21). Exit, turn right and follow the builder’s fence back to the parked cars.

§ If you wished to go down to the river, you could continue straight ahead, but you will need to retrace your steps to pick up this narrower cross track.

At this point you can easily divert down to the Gorge by ignoring the left hand track and continuing on the main path around to the right as it weaves to the left down into the Gorge and alongside the river. The only easy way out is then to retrace your steps and to take the left hand track up to the fence line.

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