Wedding Rings

The Other Wife, by Michael Robotham

Clinical psychologist, Joe O’Loughlin, visits his father in hospital, only to discover his father’s second wife.

Publisher:Hachette Australia, 2018
Characteristics:386 pages, Paperback ; 24 cm.
Source:Street Library, and returned.
The Other Wife, by Michael Robotham. Front Cover.
The Other Wife, by Michael Robotham. Front Cover.

This novel is one of a series and the main character, Joe O’Loughlan, is much loved by those who have read the series.

The book is a good read, with a developing curiosity about whom the second wife is and how Joe and his family deal with the revelation.

There’s also a mystery to ponder about who tried to kill Joe’s father, plus an action sequence that is a great, fast read.

Joe never had a good relationship with his father, starting from when he was very young. Towards the end of the book, Joe comes to an understanding when he says:

We start out idolising our parents, loving them unconditionally, believing them to be infallible, until one day we catch them lying, or cheating, or showing their prejudices; and our gods plummet to earth.

I’ve been For the past three weeks — ever since the assault, trying to rebuild a relationship with my father by piecing together memories or stories related by others, but he will never be as bright and shiny again. At the same time, I think I’m closer to him now because his flaws make him more human, and he’s easier to like, if not to love.

The Other Wife, by Michael Robotham, page 349.

Overall, a good read with a top writing style that keeps the reader interested.

Featured image: Irina Iriser

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