A walk from the Eltham Environs Walking Group.
Walk Description
From the Eltham Environs Walking Group, walk 30M
Commences at the corner of Wattle Glen-Kangaroo Ground Rd and Valley Rd. in the small parking area. Turn left and walk uphill along Valley Rd to Thorns Rd.
Turn right onto a gravel road and proceed to a T intersection. Turn left into Watery Gully Rd. and after making several turns in the road and passing Jones Rd, reach a T intersection, and the sealed Flat Rock Rd.
Turn left, and proceed, where possible, along informal tracks adjacent to this road for 1km. At Moonlight Rd, turn left for 1.2km to reach Valley Rd which enters from the right.
Continue up the steep section of Valley Rd to Thorns Rd, which enters from the left, then walk downhill along Valley Rd to the cars. There are toilets near Wattle Glen General Store in Wattle Glen-Kangaroo Ground Rd.