A walk from Eltham and Environs Walking Group.
Walk Description
From the Eltham Environs Walking Group, walk 51M
Commences next to the residential properties at the end of Calwell Rd. The walk begins about 20m east of the road up the embankment: look for the 2 pine posts, and the ‘Warrandyte-Kinglake Conservation Area’ sign.
Follow the vehicle track, veering left at a T junction after 1km. The track ends at a barrier gate leading on the right to the Winneke Treatment Plant. Proceed round the fence (sign indicating entry not permitted no longer applies).
Veer left and walk along verge of sealed road up to the Reservoir wall. Make this the half-way point, or continue on to Saddleback Picnic Shelter. Return via same route to cars.
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