Full and Plenty Creek and Mt Slide Rd, Steels Creek

A walk from Eltham and Environs Walking Group.

Walk Description

From the Eltham Environs Walking Group, walk 60M

Meet initially at the corner of Hunts Lane and Steels Creek Road, Steels Creek, and perhaps car-pool to the commencement of the walk.

Travel to Steels Creek via the Yarra Glen-Eltham Rd, and Steels Creek Rd. Hunts Lane is 3 km N of Melway map 266 K1 (see Walk 25M). To reach the start of the walk, continue N along Steels Creek Rd. Turn left at Mt Slide Rd (also known as Yarra Glen-Glenburn Rd), then turn right into Full and Plenty Rd. Park just beyond the creek crossing.

Walk about 200m along Full and Plenty Rd to a point where the road ends at a series of gates and entrances to private properties. We have permission from owner Steve to walk along the drive past a water tank, and on to the main track. The resident canine guardian will let you pass if you use a well-known canine password!

The drive is about 200m long, at which point an old road enters from the right. Use this for about 1.6km as it winds uphill into Kinglake National Park. The track may be overgrown in parts from regrowth following the 2009 fires. At the T intersection with Mt Slide Rd (not sign-posted), turn left. Some traffic might be encountered on this wide road, as you trend downwards for about 4 km. Turn left into Full and Plenty Rd to return to the cars.

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