
Grandma, tell me your story

After attending a session at the Eltham Library about telling your family’s story we returned home with a few questions to get us started. There needs to be a male version too!

  • Your date and place of birth
  • Who named you and how was your name chosen
  • Your parents’ names, birth dates and place of birth
  • Your brothers and sisters
  • Your aunts and uncles
  • Who were your closest to in your family
  • History of your family, immigrate and settlers
  • How did we get to where we are now


  • What is your first memory
  • What kind of child were you
  • What is a special memory you have of your mother
  • Tell me about your dad
  • Tell me what you remember about your grandparents
  • What were your favourite childhood pastimes
  • Did you play games with your family, what were your favourites
  • Who was the clown of the family
  • What made you laugh?
  • Did you have pets?
  • Describe your bedroom, did you share or not
  • Did you have TV, what shows did you like to watch?
  • What was your favourite thing to eat?
  • What was a special meal your mom made for you?
  • Tell me about a memorable party or celebration
  • Did you help out about the house?
  • Did you get an allowance?
  • Who were your childhood friends, where did they live?
  • What was your neighbourhood like?
  • What games did you play when you were little?
  • Describe a special toy, who gave it to you, what made it special
  • What were your favourite books?
  • What kind of movies did you like, who were your favourite stars, are there any movies from that time that you still love today?
  • Where did you go to school?
  • How did you get there?
  • Did you like school, did you participate in any school events?
  • Which were your best subjects?
  • Tell me about a special teacher you still remember.
  • What did you typically do after school?
  • What were the rules of the house, curfews?
  • Are there any dreams from your childhood that you still remember?
  • What did you do during the summer?
  • Did your family take trips together?
  • Tell me about your religious upbringing, what were some memorable events
  • How did your family spend the holidays?
  • What were your favourite holiday foods?
  • Share a recipe
  • Tell me a story about a holiday family gathering
  • What did you dream about while growing up?
  • Did you wear makeup or nail polish?
  • How did you fix your hair?
  • Describe a favourite outfit?
  • Did you like fashion magazines, what did you read for fun?
  • What did you do for fun?
  • Who was your VBF, what made you so close?
  • Where did you go, what did you do, who did you see together?
  • Tell me about a best friend adventure?
  • Did you ever leave school with your friends without parental permission?
  • If you did something that your parents didn’t like, what were the consequences?
  • What did you do that flew under the radar?
  • Tell me about your first date, who, what, when, why, how old were you.
  • Where did you go, what did you wear, and what did you parents say about it
  • What was the biggest thing you remember happening in our country when you were at secondary school?
  • Did you pay attention to politics, what did you believe in then
  • What’s the best thing that has been invented since you were young?


  • How old were you when you got your driver’s license
  • Who taught you to drive?
  • Tell me a story about learning to drive
  • Did you go on any road trips, share a story about a teenage adventure
  • What did you do after high school, did you go to college
  • What was your first place like, did you live alone
  • Did you like being on your own
  • What did you miss about living with your parents?
  • Did you cook, what did you make
  • Were there any restaurants you frequented? Describe the atmosphere
  • What was your first job, how did you get it, was it what you wanted
  • What was your worst job, how long did you work there?
  • If you could go back in time what would you change about it
  • Write about the loves in your life
  • With all your expertise, can you give your best advice about relationships?
  • Was there one who got away?
  • Did you ever fall in love at first sight?
  • What was the most romantic date you ever went on?
  • Write about my grandfather and how you met him
  • How has your relationship changed over the years?
  • Tell me about your 1st home together and having your 1st baby, what year
  • Did you enjoy being a mum?
  • What was your favourite thing?
  • What was my mum like as a baby?
  • Tell a funny story about her as a child
  • Did you also work outside the home, how you found the time?
  • What kind of hobbies, activities and vacations did you enjoy?
  • Where have you travelled that you loved the best as a grown up
  • How did you spend your holidays when the children were young?
  • When you heard you were going to be a grandma, how did you feel?
  • How old were you when I was born
  • Did you babysit for me?
  • What did you do, just the two of us
  • What are the differences between your children and grand children?
  • How are they similar
  • How has being a grandma been different from being a mum
  • How has it been similar?
  • What is the most surprising gift you have ever received?
  • What is your secret food addiction?
  • What is a favourite recipe of yours, why is it special
  • What is your favourite quote and why?
  • What is a favourite piece of jewellery that you own?
  • Who are your heroes?
  • What do you love to do?
  • If you could be any age which would you choose
  • If you could do it all over again, would you change anything?
  • What hopes and dreams do you have for the future
  • What you most like to be remembered for
  • What is your best advice about life?
  • What makes you the happiest?
  • What is the most important thing you have learned?
  • More stories, memories, special times, precious moments

That’s my story and I am sticking to it.



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