Yarra River from the lookout. Lower Eltham Park-Lavender Park walk, August 2021.

Lower Eltham Park, via Lavender Park Drive, Eltham

A long walk around the Lower Eltham Park and Lavender Park Drive area, starting from the library. From Eltham and Environs Walking Group.

My Walk

The walk doesn’t have much scenery until you turn into John Street.

Down this quaint narrow street the houses are a delight to see.

Period home with covered gate
Period home with covered gate

Continuing on Bible Street there are more sights including a chalk drawing possibly drawn by children.

Chalk drawing of “Bluey”. Lower Eltham Park-Lavender Park walk, August 2021.

Walk Description

From the Eltham Environs Walking Group, walk 13E

Commences at the car park opposite Eltham Library in Panther Place. Walk to Main Rd, and turn right. At the lights (CNR Main Rd and Bridge St) cross twice to be diagonally opposite Alistair Knox Park. Walk to John St, and turn left. At the first street encountered, which is Bible St, turn right. Walk to the end, and turn right into Dalton St. Almost immediately, turn left into Metery Rd. Continue along Metery Rd, crossing Mt Pleasant Rd, and then passing the historic Eltham Cemetery on the left. At the next corner, turn right into Lavender Park Dve.

Walk to Leonard Cres, which is the second street on the right, and turn right. Walk to the end. Cross a small grassy area as you turn left. Turn sharp right at the next corner into Antoinette Bvd. Just before arriving at Main Rd, turn left onto the walking path. Cross the pedestrian bridge across Diamond Creek, and continue on the path with Eltham Lower Park on your left. A few metres after the main gates, turn left into the Park. Continue on the path as it moves in and out of the park. At the end of the path, you will be on Homestead Rd. Continue in the same direction, then turn right at the first road.

Just before the footbridge across the Yarra, take the left path. Do not cross the river. Follow the path which turns left almost immediately. When the path veers left, turn right for a look across the river from the observation deck. Return to the path, and pass the Pony Club buildings. Look for a signed earth path on the right. Take this loop until it rejoins the main path just before the miniature railway maintenance buildings.

Pass the station, then cross the rail line at the crossing on the right. Follow the path, then exit, turning right. Just before the footbridge, turn left under the road bridge, and enter Barak Reserve. Follow the path, staying within the Reserve, and crossing a footbridge after the path turns right. Continue along the path, then walk in the same direction along Bell St. Near the end of Bell St, turn right onto a path alongside Diamond Creek (the path is on the right). Pass Eltham Leisure Centre on the left. Cross Brougham St, then a footbridge. Continue along the path with the creek on the right. After walking under the bridge (Bridge St), turn right, and cross Diamond Creek. Turn left along the walking track. Just before arriving at the trestle railway bridge, turn right across the grass to arrive at the parked cars.

Lavender Park Road

Lavender Park Road is a lovely part of the walk. There are few cars and the properties here are large and different to the normal suburban fare.

Disused gate posts along Lavender Park Road.
Old Store.

One looks like an old store. It’s owned by a builder, and it seems to be a replica, making it a large piece of artwork that has no real use but looks the part.

As you make your way to Eltham Lower Park, there is more to spot, including a mud brick house. Usually these are found deep in the bush, but this one is right on Main Road. Perhaps Main Road was only a dirt track when it was built?

Main Road mud brick house.

Diamond Valley Railway

The next point of interest is Diamond Valley Railway. Due to Covid-19 lockdowns, it has been disused for quite some time now, with the rails getting rather rusty.

DVR brick viaduct
DVR brick viaduct
DVR’s rusty rails.

Walk Map

The walk description isn’t much out of date. The bridge under the main road crossing Diamond Creek has gone, and you have to walk a little way up the hill to the new one. And not realising the path through to under Bridge Road was still intact caused us to take an early crossing of the creek. Either way is a nice way to walk.

Another alternate route would be to walk along Falkiner Street after exiting Lower Eltham Park to see some interesting original houses.

Total distance: 8715 m
Max elevation: 79 m
Min elevation: 17 m
Total climbing: 577 m
Total descent: -582 m
Download file: 20210831_Lower%20Eltham%20Park-Lavender%20Park.gpx
Barak Bushlands Park, once an agricultural farm.

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