Murray Wetlands and beyond, via Edendale Farm, Eltham

A walk from Eltham and Environs Walking Group.

Walk Description

From the Eltham Environs Walking Group, walk 17E

Commencing at Eltham Library, this walk is part of the Diamond Creek Trail (DCT). Go under the railway bridge, veering left around the oval.

At the opposite side of the oval, exit left, following signs for DCT. Follow the path, keeping the tennis courts on your left, until an exit gate. Turn right, and follow the trail around Diamond Street. Cross Youth Rd, and continue on trail, keeping the railway car park on your right.

Cross the vehicle and pedestrian railway crossing. Turn left, and follow footpath alongside Main Rd (lots of traffic) and adjacent to the railway line. At the first path, veer left, and follow the path to the pedestrian crossing. Cross the line, and turn right, the rail line now being on the right. Walk along Railway Parade.

Just before reaching Wattletree Rd – a major road with plenty of traffic – cross Railway Pde and use the tunnel under the bridge to cross Wattletree Rd. Turn left onto Gastons Rd. The trail veers left just before Edendale Farm car park. The trail now skirts around the farm, and Diamond Creek is crossed at a point close to a rear gate into the farm. Follow the trail, passing on the left a children’s play area and toilet block.

A little further on, the trail reaches a T junction. Turn right here, past sports grounds, and a community building. Use the bridge to cross the creek. The trail now skirts around a flat, swampy area (Murray Wetlands), and after a slight rise turns left to be parallel to the railway line. At Allandale Rd (not sign-posted), cross the road alongside the railway gates, and turn left.

Once more, Diamond Creek is crossed at the bridge. Turn right here. Almost immediately, you will see a bench on the right and then a green seat. This is the rest / turning point for the walk. Return via the same route. A shortcut can be taken just after you leave the railway line behind you and descend the slope. Find a dirt track on the left. This will take you into Murray Wetlands, and back to join the main trail.

Another shortcut can be taken from Diamond Street: turn left into Youth Rd, and walk between the railway line and tennis courts until you reach the oval. Walk around the left edge back under the railway bridge to the cars.

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