Blackburn Lake Sanctuary circuit, Blackburn

A walk from the Eltham Environs Walking Group.

Walk Description

From the Eltham Environs Walking Group, walk 46E

Commences at the Blackburn Bowls Club carpark, Pakenham Road, Blackburn. Suggested route from Eltham: From Williamsons Rd, turn left into King St, and then right into Victoria St – the latter eventually becomes Middleborough Rd. At its junction with Canterbury Rd, turn left; Pakenham Rd in the second on the left. The Bowls Club is on the right hand side, just before a narrow bridge. Allow 30 minutes.

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From the northern side of the carpark look for Blackburn Creek Lands Reserve information sign, and take this track to the right. Continue until you reach Main Rd. Cross over and continue on the other side of the road through Reserve until track ends on Heath St near corner of Blackburn Rd, and walk to the right until you reach Jeffrey St. Turn into Jeffrey St, and walk the length of the street. Turn right, and walk along Lake Rd towards Sanctuary entrance opposite Haley St. If wished, you can turn right into Naughton Grove, and on the left hand side, look for an easement that runs between the houses and eventually exits back on Lake Rd near Haley St. Cross to other side of Lake Rd, and enter Sanctuary. For a Figure Eight circuit of the Sanctuary, start off on Lakeside Circuit, and then take first turning on the right – Wattle Walk – ignoring any left hand turns, and walk until you reach a T junction with Fire Break Trail at the eastern boundary of the Sanctuary. Turn left, and continue on this track past play area and local school. Keep on this track, and eventually cross bridge. Again, keep left, after crossing another bridge, turn left into Lakeside Circuit, which now hogs the west side of the lake. Follow this track alongside the lake with its many viewing areas until you reach Friends Bridge; here, bear right and up hill to the Visitor Centre. The latter has information and toilet facilities. From the Centre, walk across grass to the children’s playground and look out for Melaleuca Walk, which is behind and just to the right of the play equipment. Follow Melaleuca Walk, and cross two small bridges. Walk until you reach Lakeside Circuit again, turn right, and follow Lakeside Circuit down to the Lake Rd entrance Haley St. Turn right, crossing Lake Rd, and walk until you reach Naughton, Jeffrey or Alandale Rds. Turn left, and walk until you reach Blackburn Rd. Turn right, walking to Furness St. Turn left and follow the track to the entrance to Creek Reserve. Turn right, and follow creek on your left back to the cars.

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