A walk from the Eltham Environs Walking Group.
Walk Description
From the Eltham Environs Walking Group, walk 4L
Commences at the car park immediately South of the Woodlands Homestead. To reach this, turn off Sunbury Rd at the Oaklands Rd. roundabout. This is close to the North-South runway of Melbourne Airport. The entry point to the park (the noticeboard says ‘Living Legends’ – a reference to the former race horses stabled here) is 100m along Oaklands Rd on the right, and the car park a further 800m inside the park, just to the right of the homestead (not in front of the homestead).
From the car park, walk so that Oaklands Rd is behind you. Go through the small gate, and turn right along a well-defined path for 400m. At the first intersection, turn left, and proceed to the fence-line and eucalyptus plantation (550m). Turn right here, and follow the fence-line to the corner of the forest (800m). Turn left, and heading in a straight line, again along the boundary fence, walk up the gradual slope, past the cemetery on the left, then to a point where a radio tower is clearly in view (1.75km). At this point, veer right, and follow a track towards the radio tower, and beyond to the Gellibrand Hill summit (500m). Take in the 360 degree view, with Melbourne Airport and the Melbourne CBD both clearly visible. Retrace your steps back to the fence line (500m), but this time turn left for 300m, then right for 500m gradually descending off the hill. When Greenvale Creek is reached, turn left for 250m. Rather than continue straight ahead to the Southern end of the Back Paddock, turn right here, and follow a meandering path for about 500m, crossing a path coming in from the left and right, and continuing for about 1.3km to a gate and high fence that delineates the boundary of the Back Paddock. Go through the gate, and follow the path straight ahead for the last 600m back to the cars.