Oatlands Road, Plenty Gorge Parklands

A walk from the Eltham Environs Walking Group.

Walk Description

From the Eltham Environs Walking Group, walk 52M

Note: Growth of long grass in Spring alongside and on paths means this walk is best undertaken between mid April and September.

Commences at the corner of Oatland and Mackelroy Rds, Plenty. Enter the park, and follow the vehicle track from Marker A in a southwesterly direction. A private property is passed on the left. Staying on the vehicle track, Markers B, C and D are reached.

At D, continue on the vehicle track, which swings right and narrows to a single walking track down through the gully and up the clearly visible but steep track on the other side. Note that a somewhat less steep informal track can be followed immediately to the right of the marked track.

Having climbed out of the gully, Marker E is reached. With the river on the left, continue up the wider track to a junction and Marker F. Here, you can extend the walk by exploring the path to the left, which leads out to the river. However, you must retrace your steps to Marker F, and then continue north along the vehicle track to Marker G.

At G follow the marker direction across the grassy area to find a vehicle track some 200m away leading into the bush (note that if the grass is long, the track is hard to discern). Follow this old vehicle track in a straight line to the end of the fence and a gate with Marker H. From H the very narrow trail leads down through the gully and up the other side (long grass concealed track 11/2010). Having climbed out the other side of the gully, after 100 metres, look for a yellow direction arrow on the left. This leads up onto a trail with some steps made from tree branches.

On this side of the gully, the trail is simply a kangaroo track, but it is visible, and the aim is to continue walking straight ahead. Soon you will find a fence on your left; ignore the invitation of the opening, and follow the more defined trail towards the left and parallel to the fence line. It should soon be possible to see the gate with Marker C, and the main vehicle track. Go through the gate, and take the first narrow animal track on the left. Keep on this narrow track until a wider track is reached. Bear left and then right, and follow this until open ground is reached. Swing right, and with the house behind you after about 200m, continue up the hill until Marker B is reached. Retrace your steps along the main vehicle track to return to the cars.

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