Gresswell Forest Reserve, Macleod

A walk from the Eltham Environs Walking Group.

Walk Description

From the Eltham Environs Walking Group, walk 11E

Commences from the carpark adjacent to the toilets and access gate in Greenwood Dve (about 200 m West of Gresswell Park Drive). Follow Centre Track from the entry gate and proceed to Billabong Track. Turn left, and take the path to the boundary fence; this is known as ‘Gaza Strip’. Follow this fenceline, with houses on your left. At the next two corners of the Reserve, turn right until Gate 11 is reached. At this stage, you will have followed 3 of the 4 perimeter fences. Exit the Reserve here. Follow Strathallan Track across the boardwalk, past two tracks leading to the Golf Club, and another boardwalk. You are now at the gate that leads into Main Drive. Turn right here, and follow the road.

There are now two choices, depending on time available. The first alternative is the longer of the two:

  1. Proceed to the LaTrobe Wildlife Reserve; the entrance is just before the second roundabout, and is adjacent to the Keelbundoora Nursery. Walk through this Reserve.
  2. Walk to the end of the lake, which is on your right. Turn right, and walk part-way around the lake to a small pavilion.

Begin the return walk, initially by the same route, as far as Gate 11. Note that it is very easy to find yourself walking into the Golf Club grounds, but the return to the track you need is very easy.

Enter Gresswell Reserve through Gate 11, and either follow the fence to the left for the quickest way back to the cars, or take one of the tracks off to the left, after initially following the boundary fence for a short distance.

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