A walk from the Eltham Environs Walking Group.
Walk Description
From theĀ Eltham Environs Walking Group, walk 27M
Commences at the main car park 1km from the Jumping Creek Rd entrance (Mel 24A9). From the sign ‘Blue Tongue Bend’, walk upstream along the Yarra on a gentle undulating path with excellent views to Blue Tongue Bend. This will take about 25 minutes. Along the route, there is a separate Nature Walk off to the right; ignore this turn.
From Blue Tongue Bend, turn right up the steep steps to a vehicle track. After 200m, there is a partly overgrown path on the left which is about 100m in length and that leads to an old Scout Chapel; there is a log across the beginning of this path, and some white sand.
Back on the main trail, proceed mainly uphill for about 1 km to a vehicle road leading off to the left, and marked ‘Stane Brae’ (the sign is not easily spotted when walking in this direction). Turn left here, and go through the barrier gate about 150m from the turn-off. 300m along this track is a memorial to Dorothy McLennan; it is hidden in grasses on the right.
Continue on this road, proceeding downhill to an old dairy and shed. Seats and tables are provided here. From the dairy, return either via the road used to reach the diary, or cross open grassland to rejoin the track near the top of the hill.
Again, pass the plaque and go through the gate back to the main track used before turning off to the diary Turn left, and walk along this vehicle track. Along the way, the Nature Walk loop is passed, and can be followed if wished, as it rejoins the main track further on. Return to the cars via the road that veers to the right shortly after passing the Nature Walk.